
Guatamalan Stove Project

Guatamalan Stove Project Teresa attempts to initiate a community based project to provide safer, fuel-efficient alternative to open air fires in homes. Resistance from Community 1)sustainable development, what does this entail. 2) gender roles in patriarchal society. GDP has increased over the past 20 years, but this has not resulted in increased quality of life.  Guatamala is among the top 6 countries in the world in population; 10% of the richest people enjoy 48% of all wealth whereas the poorest 10% survive on less than 1%.  HDI ranks the Guatamala lowest of all Latin American Countries in terms of health, education and economics next to Haiti.  Overall poverty is at 60%.  Agriculture is the primary way of living.  Guatemalan Stove Project; open-air stove is the primary way for people to cook food Stove threatens the health and well-being of families.  and community. It causes respiratory infetctions; is a burn threat; the smoke pol...

SOWK 5314

Chapt 1: What is Macro Practice: Professions are therefore client oriented and conform to a set of values that encapsulate the community good that is to be served. In many ways, it is this commitment to the understanding and changing of larger systems that defines social work.  Porter Lee (1937) described the dual calling of social work—to address systemic social problems and to provide for the needs of individuals and families .  Being a social worker requires seeing the client as part of multiple, overlapping systems that comprise the person’s social and physical environment.  The profession of social work is committed to seeking social and economic justice in concert with vulnerable and underserved populations, and macro-practice skills are necessary in confronting these inequalities.  Macro Practice Arenas and Goals: Small groups  : collections of people who collaborate on tasks that move toward agreed-upon changes.  Small groups are of...

5309: Social Movements

5309: Chapter 13 - Communities

Ferdinand Tonnies' (1887/1963) Concept of Community: Gemeinschaft (community) Strong identification with community Authority based on tradition Relationships based on emotionalism Others seen as whole persons. Gesellschaft (society) Little identification with community Authority based on laws and rationality Relationships based on goal attainment and emotional neutrality Others seen as role enactors Wellman (1999): Communities are not lost, but transformed, and new forms of community develop.  Four Elements of Community: Contact: Level of interaction Range: Size and heterogeneity Intimacy: Sense of relationships as special: desire for companionship: interest in being together in multiple social contexts over time; sense of mutuality in relationships; needs supported Kinship/Friendship: Proportion of community membership composed of immediate kin Spatial Arrangements Approach on Communities: On research team studied that spatial arrangements i...
SOWK 5310: GLBT Communities Issues impacting LBGT Communities Anti-sodomy laws: established as early as 1610; still in effect in some states, although determined Unconstitutional.  Marriage Equality: DOMA was signed into law under President Clinton in 1996: defining marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman.  The law denied rights to federal benefits such as Social Security.  
SOWK 5310 - Chapter 5 Poverty and Inequality Absolute poverty - based on a fixed level of resources or threshold. Relative povert y - Someones's situation is disadvantaged compared to another of time experience Federal Poverty Threshold - absolute measure; determines federal assistance like food stamps; Some believe it does not accurately depict poverty because it does not consider in-kind benefits like food stamps.  Critics also argue that poverty threshold does not take into account regional costs of living, forcing people in more expensive areas to buy the cheapest items relative to someone living in a lower SEC area. Global Poverty - The World Bank argues that global poverty should be measured on the basis of a $1/day measure Poverty threshold is is tied to the Consumer Price Index; rises with inflation General economic trend is that costs rise; 2 Major Inflation periods of double-digits Great Depression: 1918-1922 Energy Crisis: Mid-to late 1970's  19...

SOWK 5310 - Chapter 4: Collective Responses to Social Problems

Three Conditions Facilitating Collective Solutions: How can we determine whether a problem can be addressed collectively? Three criteria for assessing problem: external effects of the adversity must be recognized .  One person's suffering must effect another, and another must recognize the effect. individual remedies must be of limited effectiveness. Attempts by individuals to avoid problem must prove ineffective uncertainty of moment and magnitude collective responses are more likely. ex: modern plumbing.  Social Problem Analysis Key Issues problem definition: premise that social problems are important problems causal analysis: beliefs about causes influence the design of social policies and programs to address problems identification of ideology and values: values can influence social policies and challenge beliefs.  consideration of winners and losers: Ex: unemployment impacts both unemployed workers and their families, in addition to communities by ...